University Orthopedics ACL Bridge Program – SNAP


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University Orthopedics Bridge Program

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SNAP (Sport and Neuromuscular Advancement Program)

The purpose:

This program is intended to provide an extra step of care in the rehabilitative journey of athletic patients at University Orthopedics. As a forward-thinking medical practice, we have created this program as an opportunity to pioneer an area of medical care which has been proven effective but is not yet widely provided in our area.

SNAP Post ACL Tear

There is a gap in available care for many athletic patients post ACL reconstruction. Insurance typically covers a certain amount of physical therapy per year and past that point, many patients are either on their own to get themselves back to their previous level of activity or pay out of pocket for more physical therapy visits. Athletic trainers play a unique part in returning injured athletes back to their prior level of activity after injury, excelling at sports-specific therapies.

Studies reported by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine state that 25-33% of patients experienced a second ACL tear post reconstruction. Half of those tears were in the contralateral limb, and 76.4% of second tears were via a non-contact mechanism. Research suggests that correcting faulty mechanics during dynamic movement is critical to decreasing the risk of ACL injury. Physical therapists are not always able to focus on the contralateral limb due to insurance and time limitations, but this is something that we are free to address in a bridge program.

“I have a different type of knee injury- will the SNAP program work for me?”

YES! While the SNAP program was created with ACL tears in mind, the basis of the program is exceptional for many types of knee and other lower extremity injuries. Please inquire further to discuss what the SNAP program can do in relation to your specific injury/condition.

What is SNAP?

SNAP is an 8-week exercise program focusing on neuromuscular control, jump training, plyometrics, strength training, mobility, and the unique sport/activity specific demands of each patient.

Before starting the program, each patient will be screened to ensure eligibility. The athletic trainer’s scope of practice only includes patients who are considered to be “athletic” (from weekend warriors to professionals) and we must identify and redirect individuals who may not fit within their scope. The athletic trainer will then speak with the participant’s referring physical therapist and/or physician if applicable and complete a private functional screening session to assess ability level. This functional screening will be utilized pre, mid, and post program (weeks 0, 4, and 8).

Each session will start with a warmup consisting of static and dynamic stretching, light cardiovascular activity, muscle activation and mobility work as needed. Due to the unique strengths and difficulties each individual may experience, the athletic trainer will adjust the exercises to fit each participant’s needs. Throughout the program, each individual will receive direct biomechanical feedback and corrections made by the athletic trainer. As needed, the athletic trainer may supply home exercise plans, consisting of 1-3 therapeutic exercises to work on daily, boosting progress through the program.

Patient Cost:

Our program will cost a one-time payment of $750 for the entire 8-week program ($46.88/session) or 2 installments of $450 (a total of $900 or $56.25/session). Payment will be collected in the form of a check after the first functional screening and prior to the first session.

Our prices are based on the following statistics. Out of pocket physical therapy session costs the patient between $75 and $350, with average rates falling at $150 per session. This program will cost the patient significantly less, falling at $46.88 per session for the one-time rate. Personal training costs an average of $40-$100 per session, so our participants will be getting prices similar to that of a personal trainer, but with the extensive medical knowledge and experience of an Athletic Trainer who has open communication with physicians and physical therapists.

Worker’s compensation has reimbursed patients for programs such as this in the past; this will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Appropriate documentation of exercises/participation in the program will always be recorded and can be provided as needed. Patients can also be eligible for reimbursement via their flex spending HSA health insurance account. This too will be addressed and approved by each individual’s insurance on a case-by-case basis.

Where and When:

The SNAP program location will be determined based on the patients needs. Sessions with more than one participant are offered when physical therapy clinics are closed to regular patients. Sessions can be scheduled at 6:00-7:00 AM (great for working adults) and 7:00-8:00 PM. We offer AM and PM sessions which allows variety to fit your schedule. We will accept participants for a new cycle of the program every 8 weeks.

Who are Athletic Trainers:

Athletic Trainers are highly qualified, multi-skilled allied health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, emergency care, clinical evaluation, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of acute and chronic injuries and medical conditions to athletic populations.

Participant: Athletic Trainer ratio

We believe that attention to each individual is of the utmost importance. Therefore, the participant to athletic trainer ratio will not exceed 4:1. This ensures quality and allows the athletic trainer to remain tuned in to the unique biomechanics of each participant and give corrective cues while moving through the exercises. Athletic trainers will not change or cycle through different sections mid-program unless absolutely necessary. This way, your athletic trainer can more accurately monitor improvements or identify risk factors as you progresses through the program.

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