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Dr. DaSilva is the author of over 20 articles and chapters involving the upper extremity. His main research interest is in the development of noninvasive arthroscopic procedures involving the upper extremity.
DaSilva MF; Fadale PD; Hulstyn MJ. Repair of the Lateral Ankle Ligaments using the Mitek Suture Anchor System. J Ortho Techniques, 3(1) 41-44, 1995.
DaSilva MF, Moore DC, Weiss AP, Akelman E, Sikirica M. Anatomy of the Palmar Cutaneous Branch of the Median Nerve: Clinical Significance. J Hand Surg [Am] 1996 Jul;21(4):639-43
DaSilva MF, Terek R, Weiss AP. Malignant Eccrine Poroma of the Hand: A Case Report. J Hand Surg [Am] 1997 May;22(3):511-4
Voss L; DaSilva MF; Trafton PG. Bilateral Femoral Neck Fractures in an Amenorrheic Athlete Am J Orthop. 1997 Nov 1; 26(11): 789-792
Viegas SF; DaSilva MF. Carpal Fractures and Dislocations: Scapholunate Instability. Plancher, KD and Sennett, BJ; (Eds) MasterCases In Hand and Wrist Surgery: Thieme 1999
DaSilva MF, Williams JS, Fadale PD, Hulstyn MJ, Ehrlich MG. Pediatric Throwing Injuries About the Elbow. Am J Orthop 1998 Feb;27(2):90-6
Chen YG, McClinton MA, DaSilva MF, Shaw Wilgis EF.Innervation of the Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal joints: A Microanatomic and Histologic Study of the Nerve Endings. J Hand Surg [Am] 2000 Jan;25(1):128-33
Moritomo H, Viegas SF, Elder KW, Nakamura K, DaSilva MF, Boyd NL, Patterson RM. Scaphoid Nonunions: A 3-Dimensional Analysis of Patterns of Deformity. J Hand Surg [Am] 2000 May;25(3):520-8
Moritomo H, Viegas SF, Nakamura K, DaSilva MF, Patterson RM. The Scaphotrapezio-Trapezoidal joint. Part 1: An anatomic and radiographic study. J Hand Surg [Am] 2000 Sep;25(5):899-910
Moritomo H, Viegas SF, Elder K, Nakamura K, DaSilva MF, Patterson RM. The scaphotrapezio-trapezoidal joint. Part 2: A kinematic study. J Hand Surg [Am] 2000 Sep;25(5):911-20
Viegas SF, DaSilva MF. Surgical Repair for Scapholunate Dissociation: Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2000 Sep;4(3):148-53.
Izzi J, Dennison D, Noerdlinger M, DaSilva MF, Akelman E. Nerve Injuries of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand in Athletes: Clin Sports Med. 2001 Jan; 20(1):203-17. Review.
Goslings JC, DaSilva MF; Viegas SF; Perren SM; Patterson RM.Motion Analysis Study with a New Dynamic External Fixation Device for the Treatment of Distal Radius Fractures. Clin Orth Related Res 2001 May;(386):226-34.
DaSilva MF, Moore DC, Crisco JJ, Weiss APC, Akelman, E.3-D In Vivo Kinematics of the Distal Radioulnar Joint in Malunited Distal Radius Fractures. J Hand Surgery [Am] 2002 Mar;27(2):233-42.
Walsh EF, Akelman E, Fleming BC, DaSilva MF. Thumb Carpometocarpal (CMC) Arthroscopy: A Topographic, Arthroscopic, Anatomic Study of a New Thenar Portal J Hand Surg [Am}. 2005 Jul; 30(4): 673-6
DaSilva, Manuel, F. MD. Single Portal Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release. Techniques in Orthopaedics. Current Concepts in Carpal Tunnel Surgery. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 21 (1): 35-41, March 2006 (Chapter contribution)
Calfee RP, Patel A, DaSilva MF, Akelman E. Management of Lateral Epicondylitis: Current Concepts Journal of the AAOS, Jan 1, 2008, Volume 16, Number 1
Merrell G, Heard W, Park MJ, Ramos P, DaSilva MF., Carpal Growth and Function after Pediatric Transcarpal Hand Replant: Case Report., J Hand Surg [Am]. 2008 Oct;33(8):1354-7.
Soong M, DaSilva MF., Acute Forearm Compartment Syndrome Secondary to Digit Avulsion Injury. A Case Report, JBone Joint Surg. Am., Feb 2009; 91: 435-437.
Merrell G, DaSilva MF., Arthrosopic Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis, J Hand Surg Am. 2009 Jul-Aug; 34(6):1130-4.
Ehrlich MG; DaSilva MF; DiGiovanni C; Eberson C. Orthopedic Conditions Practical Guide to the Care of the Pediatric Patient, 2nd Edition Alario AJ, Birnkrant J, ed Mosby-Elsevier, pp 254 – 275, 2008
DaSilva MF; Ahn A; Green A. Unusual Presentation of Coracoid Fracture-Case Report and Literature Review. Submitted to Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
DaSilva MF; Valentini RF; Weiss APC; Akelman E. The Enhancement of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration with Nerve Growth Factor Releasing Nerve Guides- A Study using the rat model. Submitted to J Hand Surg [Am]
Merrell G; Manuel J; Ramos, PA-C, P; DaSilva MF. Chronic Refractory Lateral Epicondylitis- Results of Arthroscopic Surgical Treatment in Patients with Failed Open Treatment
Manuel J; Ramos, PA-C, P; DaSilva MF. Arthroscopic Release for Medial Epicondylitis: A Cadaveric Model. (Manuscript in Preparation for Arthroscopy)
DaSilva MF; Merrell G; Walsh E; Manuel J. Arthroscopic Lateral and Medial Epicondyle Release – A New Technique. [Manuscript in Preparation for Arthroscopy (poster presented at the 2007 AAOS)}
DaSilva MF; Manuel J: Arthroscopic Lateral Epicondyle Release (Manuscript in Preparation for Arthroscopy)
DaSilva MF: Elbow Arthroscopy – Supine Position (Submitted to Techniques in Upper Extremity Surgery)
DaSilva, MD; Valentini, RF; Blanks, R; Sheu, M; Weiss, APC; Akelman, E:NGF- Releasing Guidance Channels Support Nerve Regeneration Across a 15mm Defect in Rat Sciatic Nerves. Transactions of the Orthopedic Research Society, 1995
DaSilva, MD; Moore, DC; Weiss, APC; Akelman, E; Sikirica, MFInnervation of the Palmar Aponeurosis and Transverse Carpal Ligament-Implications For Surgical Treatment Transactions of the 63rd American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Atlanta, Georgia, 1996
DaSilva, MF; Blanks, R; Weiss, APC; Akelman, E:Posterior Interosseous Nerve: An anatomic and Histologic Study with Clinical Implications on Wrist Pain. Transactions of the 63rd American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Atlanta, Georgia, 1996
DaSilva, MF; Voss, L; Alford, W; Koch, R; Trafton, PG: Tibial Shaft Fractures- A Functional Outcome study. Transactions of the American Trauma Association Louisville, KY. October, 1997.
DaSilva MF; Voss L; Trafton PG: Tibial Shaft Fractures – A Functional Outcome Study
DaSilva MF; Weiss APC; Akelman E: Posterior Interosseous Nerve: An Anatomic and Histologic Study with Clinical Implications on Wrist Pain
DaSilva MF; Ehrlich MG: Care of the Child in a Spica Cast Patient Education Pamphlet Series – Brown University School of Medicine/ Hasbro Children’s Hospital December 1996
DaSilva MF; Ehrlich MG: Designed & Published the Brown University/ Rhode Island Hospital Department of Orthopedics Homepage for the Internet
Orthopedic Pathology CourseHarvard Combined Orthopedic Residency ProgramBoston, MA, January 1993
Northwestern University Medical School Prosthetic Orthotic CenterSpinal, Lower and Upper Limb Orthotics for PhysiciansChicago, IL, March 1993
Advanced Cardiac Life Support – Diplomate
AO/ ASIF – Basic CoursePhoenix, AZ, April 1994
American Society for Surgery of the Hand – Review CourseProvidence, RI, October 1994
Advanced Trauma Life Support – Diplomate (1997 – 2001)Course Serial #13245-P/SRFebruary 24, 1997
AOS: Elbow Reconstruction: Arthroscopy, Instability and Arthroplasty (Faculty Roster)
Hands-On Surgical Skills Course (#3012)
Orthopaedic Learning Center, Rosemont, IL September 28-30, 2006
Advanced Surgical Elbow Skills – Advanced Course for Teachers (Screened Applicant)
Elbow Arthroplasty, 9th Annual Mayo Clinic Advanced Elbow Surgical Skills
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, May 18-19, 2007
Advanced Surgical Elbow Skills – Advanced Course for Teachers (Screened Applicant)
Elbow Arthroplasty, 10th Annual Mayo Clinic Advanced Elbow Surgical Skills
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, May 16-17, 2008
Advanced Elbow Surgical Skills Course- Advanced Course for Teachers (Screened Applicant)
The Unstable Elbow: Repair, Reconstruction & Salvage – 11th Annual Mayo Clinic Elbow Surgical Skills
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, May 15-16, 2009
Upper Cervical Spine Injuries Orthopedic Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital Providence, RI, March 1994
Hand Fractures Dept of Orthopedics Core Curriculum Series, Rhode Island Hospital Providence, RI, June 1994
Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head Dept of Orthopedics Core Curriculum Series, Rhode Island Hospital Providence, RI, September 1994
Peripheral Nerve Injury and Repair Dept of Orthopedics Core Curriculum Series, Rhode Island Hospital Providence, RI, January 1995
NGF-releasing Guidance Channels Support Nerve Regeneration Across a 15mm Defect in Rat Sciatic Nerves. DaSilva, MF; Valentini, RF; Blanks, R; Sheu, M; Weiss, APC; Akelman, E. San Diego, California, 1995
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Current Concepts Orthopedic Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital Providence, RI, April 1995
Low Back Pain in Athletes – Diagnosis and Treatment Brown University School of Medicine Providence, RI, September 1995
Innervation of the Palmar Aponeurosis and Transverse Carpal Ligament - Implications for Surgical Treatment DaSilva MF; Moore DC; Weiss APC; Akelman E; Sikirica M. 63rd American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Atlanta, GA, February 22-26, 1996
Posterior Interosseous Nerve: An Anatomic and Histologic Study with Clinical Implications on Wrist Pain DaSilva MF; Blanks, R; Weiss, APC; Akelman E. 63rd American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Atlanta, GA, February 22-26, 1996
Posterior Interosseous Nerve: An Anatomic and Histologic Study with Clinical Implications on Wrist Pain DaSilva MF; Blanks, R; Weiss, APC; Akelman E. New England Hand Society Meeting Sturbridge, MA, December 1996
Tibial Shaft Fractures – A Functional Outcome Study DaSilva MF; Voss L; Alford W; Koch R; Trafton PG. Orthopedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting Louisville, KY, October 1997
Implantes de Silicone para Articulacion Metacarpofalangica Orthopedic Mexican Society – XX Jornada Acapulco Acapulco, Mexico, May 1999
Common Hand Fractures The 17th Annual Conference on Innovations in Sports Medicine Galveston, TX, July 25-26, 1999
Displacement of Scaphoid Non-Unions: A Three Dimensional Analysis Moritomo, H; DaSilva MF; Patterson R; Viegas, SF. 54th American Society for Surgery of the Hand Boston, MA, September 1999
The Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid Joint: An Anatomic, Radiographic and Kinematic Study Moritomo, H; DaSilva MF; Patterson R; Viegas, SF. 54th American Society for Surgery of the Hand (Scientific Exhibit) – Best Scientific Award Boston, MA, September 1999
The Dorsal Sensory Branch of the Palmar Digital Nerve: Clinical and Anatomical Significance Manuel F. DaSilva, MD; Keith A. Segalman, MD. 54th American Society for the Surgery of the Hand. Honorable Mention Award Boston, MA, September 1999
Thumb Carpometacarpal (CMC) Arthroscopy: A Topographic, Arthroscopic, Anatomic Study of the New Thenar Portal Eric Walsh, MD; Manuel F. DaSilva, MD; Paul J. Ramos, Jr, PA-C; Edward Akelman, MD. 58th American Society for Surgery of the Hand Chicago, IL, September 2003
Arthroscopic Lateral Epicondyle Release Eric Walsh, MD; Jennifer Manuel, MD; Paul J. Ramos, Jr, PA-C; Manuel F. DaSilva, MD 59th American Society for Surgery of the Hand New York, NY, September 2004
Elbow Arthroscopy: Sports Injuries Orthopedic Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital Providence, RI, March 2006
Chronic Refractory Lateral Epicondylitis – Results of Arthroscopic Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis After Failure of Previous Open Treatment Greg Merrell, MD; Manuel F. DaSilva, MD; Paul J. Ramos, Jr, PA-C. 34th New England Hand Society Sturbridge, MA, December 2006
Invited Moderator, 34th Annual New England Hand Society Sturbridge, MA, December 2006
“Elbow Trauma: Use of Arthroscopy” New England Shoulder and Elbow Society 4th Annual Meeting Jay Peak, VT, February 2-4, 2007
Poster #P444 Title: Arthroscopic Debridement of Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis Manuel F. DaSilva, MD, Paul Ramos, PA-C, Jennifer Manuel, MD 2007 AAOS San Diego, CA, February 14-18, 2007
“Elbow Arthroscopy: What’s New in 2007” Combined Orthopedic Grand Rounds Massachusetts General/ Brigham and Womens Hospital Boston, MA, November 21, 2007
“Missing Pieces: How to Handle Body Parts” – Limb Preservation & Reimplantation Kiwanis Pediatric Conference Rhode Island Hospital, November 24, 2007
Podium Presentation Arthroscopic Debridement of Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis DaSilva MF, Manuel J, Ramos P, Merrell G 35th Annual New England Hand Society, Sturbridge, MA, December 2007
Invited Moderator, 35th Annual New England Hand Society Sturbridge, MA, December 2007
“Wrist and Elbow Arthroscopy” –Lecture and Cadaveric Demonstration and Dissection 2nd Annual Combined Yale University and University of Connecticut Upper Extremity Workshop and Symposium Yale University, New Haven, CT, November, 1, 2008
"Reconstruction and Re-attachment Hand Surgery” Reconstructive Orthopedic and Total Joint Replacement Seminar The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick, RI, November 8, 2008
Director of Medical Education
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Board-Certified in Orthopaedic Surgery
Fellowship-Trained Upper Extremity
Manuel F. DaSilva, MD specializes in the treatment of injuries and musculoskeletal conditions related to the hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. Specifically, he has expertise in caring for carpal tunnel syndrome, fractures of the hand, wrist and elbow, arthritis and joint replacement.
Dr. DaSilva is an attending physician in the Department of Orthopaedics at the Rhode Island and Miriam hospitals. He has pioneered elbow arthroscopy techniques for the treatment of tennis (lateral epicondylitis) and golfers ( medial epicondylitis) elbow as well as arthroscopic techniques for the small joints of the hand. He has also completed advanced training in hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder and micro-vascular surgery through a fellowship at the National Center For Treatment of the Hand and Upper Extremity in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. DaSilva speaks multiple languages including English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Dr. DaSilva is board certified in Orthopaedic Surgery and is an active Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Brown Orthopaedic Trauma at Rhode Island Hospital
National Center For Treatment of the Hand and Upper Extremity in Baltimore, Maryland
Medical Degree
Brown Medical School
Undergraduate Degree
Rhode Island College
Professional Affiliations
Currently an associate editor of the Clinical Orthopaedics and related Research Journal.
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic surgery at Brown Medical School.