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Physician publications
1. Terek RM and January CT: Excitability and oscillatory afterpotentials in isolated sheep Purkinje fibers. AM. J. Physiol. 252 (Heart Circ.Physiol. 21): H645-652, 1987.
2. Macey LR, Kana SM, Jingushi S, Terek RM, Boretos J, Bolander ME: Defects of early fracture healing in experimental diabetes. J. Bone and Joint Surg., 71-A(5):722-733, 1989.
3. Joyce ME, Terek RM, Jingushi S, Bolander ME: Role of transforming growth factor-beta in fracture repair. Transforming growth factor-beta chemistry, biology, and therapeutics, Annals New York Acad. Sciences 591: 107-123, 1990.
4. Terek RM, Wehner J, Lubicky JP: The crankshaft phenomenon in congenital scoliosis. J. Pediatr. Orthop. 11:527-532, 1991.
5. Brien EW, Terek RM, Healey JH, Lane JM: Allograft reconstruction after proximal tibial resection for bone tumors: An analysis of function and outcome comparing allograft and prosthetic reconstructions, Clin.Orthop. Rel. Res. 303:116-127, 1994.
6. Terek RM, Jiranek WA, Goldberg MJ, Wolfe HJ, Alman BA: The expression of platelet-derived growth factor gene in Dupuytren disease. J. Bone and Joint Surg, 77-A:1, 1-9, 1995.
7. Alman BA, Naber SP, Terek RM, Jiranek WA, Goldberg MJ,
Wolfe HJ: Platelet-derived growth factor in fibrous musculoskeletal disorders: A study of pathologic tissue sections and in vitro primary cell cultures. J. Orthopaedic Research 13(1):67-77, 1995.
8. Brien EW, Terek RM, Healey JH, Brennan ME: Soft tissue sarcomas of the hand. J. Bone and Joint Surg, 77-A,4:564-571, 1995.
9. Terek RM, Brien EW, Marcove RC, Meyers PA, Lane JM, Healey JH: Treatment of Femoral Ewing’s Sarcoma. Cancer, 78:70-77, 1996.
10. DaSilva MF, Terek RM, Weiss APC: Malignant eccrine poroma of the hand. J Hand Surg, 22A:511-514, 1997.
11. Terek RM, Healey JH, Garin-Chesa P, Mak S, Huvos A, Albino AP: p53 mutations in chondrosarcoma. Diagnostic and Molecular Pathology, 7(1):51-56, 1998.
12. Terek RM, Schwartz GK, Devaney K, Glantz L, Healey JH, Mak S, Albino P: Multidrug Resistance Gene Expression in Chondrosarcoma, J Ortho Res, 16:585-590, 1998.
13. Lambiase RE, Levine SM, Terek RM, Wyman JJ: Long bone surface osteomas: Imaging features that may help avoid unnecessary biopsies. American Journal of Radiology, 171:775-778, 1998.
14. Wyman JJ, Hornstein AM, Meitner P, Mak S, Verdier P, Block JA, Pan J, Terek RM: The multi-drug resistance-1 gene in chondrosarcoma cell lines: Expression correlates with decreased intracellular doxorubicin levels and in vitro chemosensitivity resistance. J Orthop Res, 17:935-940, 1999.
15. Hulsizer DL, Hornstein AM, Levine SM, Terek RM: Collision tumor involving an enchondroma, Orthopaedics, 23(12):1281-1284, 2000.
16. McGough R,Wang LJ, Gnepp D, Terek RM: Metastatic mixed tumor arising in bone. A case report and review of the literature. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2001 Sep;83-A(9):1396-402.
17. Terek RM, Nielsen, GP: Case Records of the Massachusets General Hospital, N Engl J Med 2001, 345(12):903-908.
18. Greisberg JK, Wolfe JM, Wyman J, Zou L, Terek RM: Gadolinium inhibits thymidine incorporation and induces apoptosis in chondrocytes. J Orthop Res. 2001 Sep;19(5):797-801.
19. McGough R, Fadale P, Terek R: Soft tissue sarcoma masquerading as a compartment syndrome, Orthopaedics, Nov;26(11):1151-2, 2003.
20. Lin C, Mak S, Meitner PA, Wolf JM, Blumen EM, Block JA, and Terek RM: Cancer/testis antigen CSAGE is concurrently expressed with MAGE in chondrosarcoma. Gene 285 (2002) 269–278.
21. McGough R, Aswad B, and Terek R: Pathologic neovascularization in cartilage tumors. Clin Orthop. 2002 Apr;(397):76-82.
22. McGough RL,Lin C, Meitner P, Aswad BI, Terek RM: Angiogenic Cytokines in Cartilage Tumors. Clin Orthop. 2002 Apr;(397):62-9.
23. Lin C, Meitner PA,Terek RM: PTEN Mutation Is Rare in Chondrosarcoma. Diagn Mol Pathol. 2002 Mar;11(1):22-6.
24. Greisberg JK, Bliss M, Terek RM: The prevalence of nitrous oxide in apoptotic chondrocytes of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2002 Mar;10(3):207-11.
25. Alford JW, Tashjian R, Terek RM: Pigmented villonodular synovitits of the knee presenting as sciatica. J of Knee Surgery. 2003, July 16(3):182-84.
26. Lin C, McGough R, Aswad B, Block JA, Terek RM: Hypoxia induces HIF-1alpha and VEGF expression in chondrosarcoma cells and chondrocytes . J Orthop Res. 2004 Nov;22(6):1175-81.
27. Terek RM, Hulstyn MJ: Osteoarticular allograft reconstruction for tumors of the distal femur and proximal tibia. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, 14:236-242, 2005.
28. Nickisch F, Tashjian RZ, Ritter M, Terek R, and DiGiovanni C: Primary malignant non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the talus: a case report. Foot & Ankle International, 2005 Jul;26(7):568-71.
29. Wei L, Sun X, Terek R, Chen Q. Down-Regulation of A Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 by Small Interfering RNA Inhibits MMP13 Release and Enhances TIMP 1 Expression in Articular Chondrocytes. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2005; 13: Supplement A S29.
30. Wei L, Sun X, Kanbe K, Wang Z, Sun C, Terek R, and Chen Q: Chondrocyte Death Induced by Pathological Concentration of Chemokine Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1. The Journal of Rheumatology 2006; 33:9.
31. Bluman EM, Sun X, Lin C, Coulie PG, Meitner PA., Terek RM: Lysis of human chondrosarcoma cells by cytolic T Lymphocytes recognizing a MAGE-A3 antigen presented by HLA-A1 molecules .J Orthop Res. 2007 May;25(5):678-84
32. Tashjian RZ, Lin C, Aswad B, Terek, RM: 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Expression in Periprosthetic Osteolysis. Orthopedics, 2008; 31:545.
33. Sun X, Wei L, Chen Q, Terek RM. HDAC4 represses vascular endothelial growth factor expression in chondrosarcoma by modulating RUNX2 activity. J Biol Chem. 2009 Aug 14;284(33):21881-90.
34. Sun X, Wei L, Chen Q, Terek RM. CXCR4/SDF1 mediate hypoxia induced chondrosarcoma cell invasion through ERK signaling and increased MMP1 expression. Mol Cancer. 2010 Jan 26;9:17.
35. Wei L, Kanbe K, Lee M, Wei X, Pei M, Sun X, Terek R, Chen Q. Stimulation of chondrocyte hypertrophy by chemokine stromal cell-derived factor 1 in the chondro-osseous junction during endochondral bone formation. Dev Biol. 2010 May
36: Schraeder TL, Terek RM, Smith CC. Clinical evaluation of the knee. N Engl J Med. 2010 Jul 22;363(4):e5.
37. Guan Y, Chen Q, Yang X, Haines P, Pei M, Terek R, Wei X, Zhao T, and Wei L: Subcellular Relocation of Histone Deacetylase 4 Regulates Growth Plate Chondrocyte Differentiation through Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Kinase IV. American J Physiology - Cell Physiology, 2012 Jul;303(1):C33-40.
38. Wei F, Zhou J, Wei X, Zhang J, Fleming BC, Terek R, Pei M, Chen Q, Liu T, Wei L: Activation of Indian Hedgehog Promotes Chondrocyte Hypertrophy and Upregulation of MMP-13 in Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2012 Jul;20(7):755-63.
39. Jayasuriya CT, Goldring MB, Terek R, Chen Q. Matrilin-3 induction of IL-1 receptor antagonist is required for up-regulating collagen II and aggrecan as well as down-regulating ADAMTS-5 gene expression. Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Sep 11;14(5):R197. PubMed PMID: 22967398; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3580507.
40. Tompkins M, Paller DJ, Moore DC, Crisco JJ, Terek RM: Locking Buttons Increase Fatigue Life of Locking Plates in a Segmental Bone Defect Model. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013 Mar;471(3):1039-44 PubMed PMID: 23104045; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3563789.
41. Xiaojuan Sun, Cherie Charbonneau, Wei Lei, Wentian Yang, Qian Chen, and Richard Terek: CXCR4-targeted Therapy Inhibits VEGF Expression and Chondrosarcoma Angiogenesis and Metastasis. Mol Cancer Ther. 2013 Jul;12(7):1163-70. PubMed PMID: 23686836; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3707941.
42.Yang W, Wang J, Moore DC, Liang H, Dooner M, Wu Q, Terek R, Chen Q, Ehrlich MG, Quesenberry PJ, Neel BG. Ptpn11 deletion in a novel progenitor causes metachondromatosis by inducing hedgehog signaling. Nature. 2013 Jul 25;499(7459):491-5. PubMed PMID: 23863940.
43. Zhou J, Chen Q, Lanske B, Fleming BC, Terek R, Wei X, Zhang G, Wang S, Li K, Wei L. Disrupting the Indian hedgehog signaling pathway in vivo attenuates surgically induced osteoarthritis progression in Col2a1-CreERT2; Ihhfl/fl mice.
Arthritis Res Ther. 2014 Jan 15;16(1):R11.
44. Wang S, Wei X, Zhou J, Zhang J, Li K, Chen Q, Terek R, Fleming BC, Goldring MB, Ehrlich MG, Zhang G, Wei L. Identification of Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (A2M) as a master inhibitor of cartilage degrading factors that attenuates post-traumatic
osteoarthritis progression. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2014 Feb 27.
45. Sun X, Wei L, Chen Q, Terek R. MicroRNA Regulates VEGF Expression in Chondrosarcoma Cells. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Mar;473(3):907-13.
46. Nazarian A, Entezari V, Zurakowski D, Calderon N, Hipp J, Villa-Camacho J, Lin PP, Cheung F, Aboulafia A, Turcotte R, Anderson M, Gebhardt MC, Cheng EY, Terek RM, Yaszemski MJ, Damron T, Snyder B. Treatment Planning and Fracture Prediction in Patients with Skeletal Metastasis with CT2 based Rigidity Analysis. Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Jun 1;21(11):2514-9.
47. Nazarian A, Entezari V, Villa-Camacho JC, Zurakowski D, Katz JN, Hochman M, Baldini EH, Vartanians V, Rosen MP, Gebhardt MC, Terek RM, Damron TA, Yaszemski MJ, Snyder BD. Does CT-based Rigidity Analysis Influence Clinical Decision-making in Simulations of Metastatic Bone Disease? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 May 29.
48. Sun X, Charbonneau C, Wei L, Chen Q, Terek RM. miR-181a Targets RGS16 to Promote Chondrosarcoma Growth, Angiogenesis, and Metastasis. Mol Cancer Res. 2015 May 26. pii: molcanres.0697.2014. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26013170
49. Damron TA, Nazarian A, Entezari V, Brown C, Grant W, Calderon N, Zurakowski D, Terek RM, Anderson ME, Cheng EY, Aboulafia AJ, Gebhardt MC, Snyder BD. CT-based Structural Rigidity Analysis Is More Accurate Than Mirels Scoring for Fracture Prediction in Metastatic Femoral Lesions. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26169800.
50. Johnston BR, Biercevicz AM, Koruprolu SC, Terek RM, Born CT: A Biomechanical Comparison of a Novel
Expandable Photodynamic Intramedullary System to a Metal Plate and Screw System in Humerus and Femur Osteotomy Models.
Orthop Res Traumatol Open J. 2016; 1(1):5-13. doi: 10.17140/ORTOJ-1-102
51. Jayasuriya CT, Hu N, Li J, Lemme N, Terek R, Ehrlich MG, Chen Q: Molecular characterization of mesenchymal stem cells in human osteoarthritis cartilage reveals contribution to the OA phenotype. Sci Rep. 2018 May 4;8(1):7044. doi:
10.1038/s41598-018-25395-8. PubMed PMID: 29728632; PubMed Central PMCID:
52. Jayasuriya CT, Twomey-Kozak J, Newberry J, Desai S, Feltman P, Franco JR, Li N, Terek R, Ehrlich MG, Owens BD. Human Cartilage-Derived Progenitors Resist Terminal Differentiation and Require CXCR4 Activation to Successfully Bridge
Meniscus Tissue Tears. Stem Cells. 2019 Jan;37(1):102-114. doi: 10.1002/stem.2923. Epub 2018 Nov 2. PubMed PMID: 30358021; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6312732.
53. Sun X, Chen Y, Yu H, Machan JT, Alladin A, Ramirez J, Taliano R, Hart J, Chen Q, Terek RM. Anti-miRNA Oligonucleotide Therapy for Chondrosarcoma. Mol Cancer Ther. 2019 Jul 24. pii: molcanther.1020.2018. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-18-1020. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31341031.
1. Rosenthal H. Terek R, Lane J: Management of extremity soft-tissue sarcomas. Clin. Ortho. Rel. Res. 289:66 72, 1993.
2. Terek RM, Brien EW, Marcove RC, Meyers PA, Lane JM, Healey JH: Long-term survival and function after surgery for Ewing's tumor of the femur. Limb Salvage, Current Trends, Proceedings Seventh International Symposium, 413-417, 1993.
3. Terek RM: Tumors of the elbow and forearm. Hand Clinics of North America, 10:3, 343-351, 1994.
4. Terek RM, Brien EW: Soft tissue sarcomas of the hand and wrist. Hand Clinics of North America, 11:2, 1995
5. Terek RM: Sarcoma of Bone. Medicine and Health/Rhode Island, 80:(1) 19-24, 1997.
6. Chang HA, Chung M, Terek RM: Biology of Sarcomas. Medicine and Health/Rhode Island, 80(1) 8-14, 1997.
7. Kurkchubasche AG, Halvorson EG, Forman EN, Terek RM, Ferguson WS: The Role of preoperative chemotherapy in the treatment of infantile fibrosarcoma. J Pediatr Surg 35:880-883, 2000.
8. Terek RM: Angiogenesis in Chondrosarcoma, Current Opinions in Orthopaedics, 13(6):449-53, 2002.
9. Terek, RM: Recent advances in the basic science of chondrosarcoma. Orthopaedic Clinics, 37(1), January, 2006.
10. Terek RM, Sun X, Allen S: Molecular Mechanisms of Angiogenesis in Chondrosarcoma. US Musculoskeletal Review 2008; 3(1):48.
11. Guise TA, O’Keefe R, Randall RL, Terek RM: Molecular Biology and Therapeutics in Musculoskeletal Oncology, J Bone and Joint Surgery (Am) 2009;91-A(3):724-732.
12. Thakur NA, Daniels AH, Schiller J, Valdes MA, Czerwein JK, Schiller A, EsmendeS, Terek RM. Benign tumors of the spine. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2012 Nov;20(11):715-24 Review. PubMed PMID: 23118137.
13. Sawyer G, Heard W, Terek RM: Fresh Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation for Treatment of Chondroblastoma of the Femoral Head: A Case Report, JBJS Case Connector, 2013 Feb 13;3(1):e13 1-5.
14. Terek RM. CORR Insights(®): Complications of Cemented Long-stem Hip Arthroplasties in Metastatic Bone Disease Revisited. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2013 Oct;471(10):3308-9. PubMed PMID: 23846609; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3773129.
1. Musculoskeletal Oncology Review: Clinical, Radiographic and Pathologic Overview and Treatment Principles, Online Virtual Course Module 4: Soft Tissue Sarcoma. AAOS/MSTS 2017
1. Healey JH, Terek RM: Management of bone and soft tissue tumors around the knee. In: The Knee, edited by W.N. Scott. Mosby, St. Louis, 1993.
2. Hough TJ, Tung GA, Terek RM: Staging. In: Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors, edited by DeSchepper AM, Parizel PM, Ramon F, DeBeuckeleer L, Vandevelenne JE. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996.
3. Terek RM: Cartilage Neoplasia as a Model of Chondrogenesis. In: Skeletal Growth and Development, edited by JA Buckwalter, MG Ehrlich, LJ Sandell, SB Trippel American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, IL 1998.
4. O’Keefe R, Terek RM: Musculoskeletal Oncology. In: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 6, edited by Beaty JH. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, IL 1999.
5. Levine S, Hough TJ, Tung GA, Terek RM: Staging. In: Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors, 2nd edition, edited by DeSchepper AM, Parizel PM, Ramon F, DeBeuckeleer L, Vanhoenacker F. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
6. Terek, RM: Physiology of Tumors. In: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors, edited by Lawrence R. Menedez. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, IL, 2002.
7. Terek, RM: Radiation-Induced Sarcomas. In: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Musculoskeletal Tumors, edited by Lawrence R. Menendez. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, IL, 2002.
8. Scarborough, M.T., Aboulafia, A.J., Cheng, E.Y., McGrath, B.E., Moreau, G., Neel, M.D., O’Connor, M.I., Peabody, T.D., Raymond, A.K., Reith, J., Terek, R.M., Wiener, S.D., Musculoskeletal Tumors and Diseases, Self-Assessment Examination. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, 2002.
9. Terek RM: Molecular Tumor Markers. In: Molecular Biology in Orthopaedics edited by Rosier RN, Evans CH. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Rosemont, IL 2003.
10. Terek RM: Soft Tissue Tumors: In: Hand Surgery. Edited by Berger R and Weiss APC. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2003.
11. Langer P, Terek RM: Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics: Foot and Ankle. Edited by DiGiovanni C and Greisberg J.
Elsevier Science Publishers, 2007.
12. Levine S, Terek RM, Hough TJ, Tung GA: Staging. In: Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors, 3rd edition, edited by De Schepper, A.M.; Vanhoenacker, F.; Parizel, P.M.; Gielen, J.Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.
13. Hinds RM, Terek RM. Rhabdomyosarcoma. In: Domnio F, Baldor R, Golding J, Grimes JA, Taylor JS, eds. The 5-Minute Clinical Consult, 2013 Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012: pp. 1142-1143.
14. Raymond Hsu, Matthew Deren, and Richard Terek. Chapter 1: Basic Science, in COMPREHENSIVE BOARD REVIEW IN ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, Eds. ROBIN KAMAL AND ARNOLD-PETER C. WEISS, Thieme Publishers, NY NY, 2016
15. Amanda Fantry, Alan Schiller, Robin Kamal, and Richard Terek, Chapter 2: Musculoskeletal Oncology and Pathology, in COMPREHENSIVE BOARD REVIEW IN ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY, Eds. ROBIN KAMAL AND ARNOLD-PETER C. WEISS, Thieme Publishers, NY NY, 2016
1. Terek R: Angiogenesis in Chondrosarcoma. Southern German Orthopaedic Congress, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2002
2. Terek R: Pelvic Chondrosarcoma: New Surgical and Translational Approaches, 3rd Chinese Conference on Retroperitoneal Tumors, Peking University International Hospital, 2017
1. Terek RM: Molecular biology techniques in soft tissue lesions and fracture healing. Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1992.
2. Terek RM, Brien EW, Mirra JM, Ashworth CR: Instructional Course Symposia, Management of soft tissue sarcomas of the hand. American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 49th Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1994.
3. Terek RM: Cartilage Neoplasia as a Model of Chondrogenesis. NIH/AAOS Workshop on Skeletal Growth and Morphogenesis, Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida, 1997.
4. Terek RM: CPC, Massachusetts General Hospital, November 18, 1999.
5. Terek R: Molecular Tumor Markers. NIH/AAOS Molecular Biology in Orthopaedics 2001 Workshop, Scottsdale, AZ, 2001
6. Terek R: Negotiating with the Chairman, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician scientist development program, San Antonio, Texas 2006
7. Terek, R: Bone and soft tissue tumors. The Podiatry Institute and RI Podiatric Medical Association, Current trends and technologies in medicine, orthopedics, and podiatric surgery, Newport, RI, 2006
8. Terek, R: Development and Sarcomas. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2006 Research Symposium "Developmental Biology in Orthopaedics" Toronto, Oct 26-28, 2006.
9. Terek R: Instructional Course Lecture #371: Fracture Healing and Arthroplasty in Patients with Metabolic Bone Disease, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, 2008
10. Terek R: Getting a Job, an applicant’s perspective, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician scientist development program, Quebec City, QC, Canada. 2008
11. Terek R: Getting a Job, an applicant’s perspective, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician scientist development program, Chicago, IL 2009
12. Terek R: Resources of the VA and Specialty Societies, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician Scientist Development Program, Chicago, Il 2010
13. Terek R: Resources of the VA and Specialty Societies, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician Scientist Development Program, Chicago, Il 2011
14. Terek R: Resources of the VA and Specialty Societies, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician Scientist Development Program, Chicago, Il 2012
15. Terek, R: Evaluation and Treatment of Cartilage Tumors, The William R . Dobozi, MD Visiting Professor, Senior Thesis Day, Loyola University Medical Center, May 25, 2012
16.Terek, R: Allograft Reconstruction in Orthopaedic Oncology, The William R . Dobozi, MD Visiting Professor, Senior Thesis Day, Loyola University Medical Center, May 25, 2012
17. Terek R: Chondrosarcoma, University of Utah, Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, February 5-6, 2013
18. Terek R: Basic Science Update - What’s New in my Lab? Specialty Day Meeting, Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, March 23, 2013.
19. Terek R: Osteosarcoma: Future Directions in the Targeting of Micrometastases, Overview of Osteosarcoma Etiology, Treatment, and Clinical Results, Orthopaedic Research Society, 2014 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
20. Terek R: Clinical Trials Update, Sarcoma Alliance for Research through Collaboration, Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, Specialty Day, 2014 Annual Meeting, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, New Orleans, LA
21. Terek R: Resources of the VA and Specialty Societies, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician Scholar Development Program, Chicago, Il 2013
22. Terek R: Resources of the VA and Specialty Societies, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician Scientist Development Program, Chicago, Il 2014
23. Terek R: Resources of the VA and Specialty Societies, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician Scientist Development Program, Chicago, Il 2015
24. Terek R: Resources of the VA and Specialty Societies, AAOS, OREF, ORS Clinician Scientist Development Program, Chicago, Il 2016
1. Terek RM: TGF-beta and fracture healing. Illinois Orthopaedic Society, Chicago, Illinois, May, 1988.
2. Terek RM: Treatment of Osteogenic Sarcoma. Rhode Island Hospital, Brown University, Department of Orthopaedics Grand Rounds, Providence, Rhode Island, November, 1992.
3. Terek RM, Marcove RC, Healey JH: The Tikhoff-Linberg resection and shoulder reconstruction. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, New York, New York, March, 1992.
4. Terek RM: Bone neoplasms: Etiology, histology, staging, treatment, and research applications. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Cancer Data Base In-Service Training, New York, New York, October, 1992.
5. Terek RM: Multidisciplinary Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors. Surgical Grand Rounds, Beverly Hospital, Beverly, MA, December, 1993.
6. Terek RM: Multidisciplinary Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors. Oncology Grand Rounds, Lawrence and Memorial Hospital, New London, CT, December, 1993.
7. Terek RM: Multidisciplinary Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors. Medical Grand Rounds, St. Joseph Hospital, North Providence, RI, December, 1993.
8. Terek RM: Limb Salvage Surgery for Bone Tumors in Children. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Conference, Rhode Island Hospital, January, 1994.
9. Terek RM: Treatment of Ewing’s Sarcoma. Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital, January, 1994.
10. Terek RM: Musculoskeletal Pain in Children-Do Growth Pains Exist?. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital, January, 1994.
11. Terek RM: Bone Tumors. Rheumatology Grand Rounds, Roger Williams Medical Center, January, 1994.
12. Terek RM: Multidisciplinary Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors. Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA February, 1994.
13. Terek RM: Update on Therapy for Metastatic Bone Disease. Medical Grand Rounds, Roger Williams Medical Center, February, 1994.
14. Terek RM: Orthopedics: Bone Tumors, Tumor Markers: What Are They and What Do They Mean? and Bone and Soft Tissue, Measurable Outcome Improvements for Cancer Therapy. Rhode Island Chapter of the American College of Surgeons/Providence Surgical Society and the American College of Surgeons, 1994 Jesse P. Eddy Symposium: A Multidisiciplinary View of Cancer Management, Providence, Rhode Island, March, 1994.
15. Terek RM: Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors. Surgery Grand Rounds, Saint Luke’s Hospital, New Bedford, MA March, 1994.
16. Terek RM: Limb Salvage Surgery for Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremity. Medical Grand Rounds, Charlton Memorial Hospital, Fall River, MA April, 1994.
17. Terek RM: Multidisciplinary Treatment of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors. Medical Grand Rounds, Faulkner Hospital, Boston, MA, May, 1994.
18. Terek RM: Pediatric Bone Tumors. Pediatric Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence RI, June, 1994.
19. Terek RM: Controversies in the treatment of extremity soft-tissue sarcoma. Cancer Grand Rounds, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, April, 1995.
20. Terek RM: Staging and treatment of bone tumors. Tumor Registrars Association of New England Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island, November, 1995.
21. Terek RM: Ewing’s Sarcoma: Osseous and Extraosseous. Brown University Department of Surgery Grand Rounds, Providence, Rhode Island, October, 1996.
22. Terek RM: Orthopaedic Oncology in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Orthopaedic Society, Providence, Rhode Island, December, 1996.
23. Terek RM: The patient with bone cancer, NAON:RI Chapter, RI Hospital Orthopedic Nurses, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI, April 1998.
24. Limb Salvage and Physical Therapy in Orthopaedic Oncology. The University of Rhode Island, Physical Therapy Department, Kingston, RI October 20, 1998
25. Imaging of Chondroid Tumors. Richmond Orthopaedic Society, Richmond, VA December 16, 1999.
26. Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcoma. Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA December 17, 1999.
27. Imaging of Chondroid Tumors. Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA April 18, 2001.
28. Imaging of Chondroid Tumors. Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, Brown University, Providence, RI September 19, 2001
29. Terek R: Musculoskeletal neoplasms. Rheumatology Grand Rounds, Roger Willimas Medical Center, Providence, RI 2002
30. Terek R: Surgical Management of Sarcoma-Is there a role for chemotherapy? General Surgery Teaching Rounds, Roger Willimas Medical Center, Providence, RI 2002
31. Terek R: Evaluation of soft tissue masses. Medical Grand Rounds, Memorial Hospital of RI, Pawtucket, RI 2002
32. Terek R: Imaging of cartilage tumors. Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, Memorial Hospital of RI, Pawtucket, RI 2004
33. Terek R: Update on evaluation and treatment of bone tumors. Rheumatology Grand Rounds, Roger Williams Medical Center, Providence, RI 2006
34. Terek R: “Mechanisms of Angiogenesis in Chondrosarcoma”, Orthopaedic Research Seminar, MGH, Boston, MA January 12, 2010
35. Terek R: Orthopaedic Oncology Imaging, Rhode Island Hospital School of Diagnostic Imaging, 5th Annual Imaging Symposium – Oncology, Sept. 24, 2011.
36. Terek R: Bone Sarcoma Staging and Treatment, Brown University Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Curriculum, May 5, 2014
37. Terek R: microRNA regulation of angiogenesis and metastasis in chrondrosarcoma, Molecular and Cell Biology Graduate Program Seminar, Brown University, October 15, 2014
38. Terek R: Lumps and Bumps for the Upper Extremity, Fundamentals of Ourtpatient Orthopedics, Upper Extremity: Where to Start, When to Refer, Providence, RI Dec. 13, 2014
39. Terek R: Treatment of Humerus Metastatic Disease, New England Orthopaedic Society, Annual Spring Meeting, Chatam, MA 2018
1. Terek RM, Brien EW, Marcove RC, Meyers PA, Lane JM, Healey JH: Long-term results after surgery for Ewing's tumor of the femur. Seventh International Symposium on Limb Salvage, Singapore, 1993.
2. Terek RM, Brien EW, Lane JM, Healey JH: Osteoarticular allografts around the knee. Eight International Symposium on Limb Salvage, Florence, Italy, 1995.
3. Brien E, Terek R, Brennan M, Healey J: Management of Soft Tissue Sarcomas of the Hand. Third Joint Meeting of the American and European Musculoskeletal Tumor Societies, Florence, Italy, 1995.
4. Terek RM, Mak S, Block JA, Bliss M: Cloning of a novel chondrosarcoma associated gene. Fourth Combined Meeting of the American and European Musculoskeletal Tumor Societies, Washington, D.C., 1998.
5. Terek RM, Wyman J, Hornstein A, Meitner P, Mak S, Verdier P, Block JA, Pan J: The multi-drug resistance gene in chondrosarcoma cell lines. Transactions of the 4th Combined Meeting of the American and European Musculoskeletal Tumor Societies, 1998.
6. Wyman J, Greisberg J, Wolf J, Zou L, Terek R: The effects of gadodiamide on proteoglycan production, cell proliferation, and apoptosis in chondrocytes. Third Symposium of the International Cartilage Repair Society, Goteberg, Sweden, 2000.
7. Tashjian RZ, Lin C, Terek RM. IL1-b and TNFa upregulate 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11b-HSD1) in cultured fibroblast cells: Implications for periprosthetic osteolysis. Poster exhibit at the 2004 Canadian Orthopedic Research Society Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 18 - 20, 2004.
8. Snyder BD; Nazarian A; Entezari V; Hipp JA; Calderon N; Terek R; Cheng E; Aboulafia A; Anderson ME; Gebhardt M; Damron T: CT-BASED STRUCTURAL RIGIDITY ANALYSIS ALTERS SELECTED TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH FEMORAL METASTASES: A MULTIINSTITUTIONAL MSTS SPONSORED PROSPECTIVE STUDY. Sixteenth Annual Meeting Connective Tissue Oncology Society, Paris, France, 2010
9. Mangray S, Shillingford N, Yakirevich E, Terek R: Post radiation periosteal osteogenic sarcoma radiologically simulating conventional osteogenic sarcoma. 26th European Congress of Pathology. London, UK, 2014
1. Boretos JW, Terek RM, Girton ME, Doppman JL: Cohesive and frictional reduction of intra-arterial microcatheters. Thirty-third Annual Conference on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology, Washington, D.C., 1981.
2. Boretos JW, Dingler WL, Terek RM, Edwards KJ, Wilkins JF, Girton ME, Doppman JL: Integral balloon catheter for interventional radiology. Thirty-third Annual Conference on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology, Washington, D.C., 1981.
3. Terek RM and January CT: Strength-interval curves in normal and acetylstrophanthidin toxic sheep Purkinje fibers. Federation of the American Society of Experimental Biologists, Chicago, Illinois, 1983.
4. Nemeth GG, Heydemann A, Jingushi S, Terek R, Bolander ME: Temporal activation and abnormal regulation of cartilage and bone genes in fracture healing. Second International Conference on Molecular Biology and Pathology of Matrix, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1988.
5. Terek RM, Nemeth GG, Heydemann A, Joyce ME, Macey LR, Bolander ME: Transforming growth factor-beta suppresses cartilage specific gene expression during endochondral bone repair. The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Washington, D.C., 1989.
6. Terek RM, Nemeth GG, Heydemann A, Bolander ME: Transforming growth factor-beta suppresses type II collagen gene expression in fracture healing. Transactions, Orthopaedic Research Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1989.
7. Terek RM, Wehner J, Lubicky JP: The crankshaft phenomenon in congenital scoliosis. The Scoliosis Research Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990.
8. Joyce ME, Terek RM, Jingushi S, Heydemann A, Romero A, Bolander ME: Fracture callus organ culture: an in vivo model for fracture healing. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 15:409, 1990.
9. Nixon R, Terek R, Farless B, Dobozi W: Sequential measurement of compartment pressures after intramedullary fixation of femur fractures. Proceedings, 58th Annual Meeting, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 1991.
10. Terek RM, Jiranek WA, Alman BA, Alessandro DA, Machado ML, Membrino WM, Ruby LK, Goldberg MJ, Naber SP, Wolfe HJ: C-sis expression in Dupuytren's disease. The Orthopaedic Research Society, Washington, D.C., 1992.
11. Alman BA, Terek RM, Jiranek WA, Naber SP, Goldberg MJ, Wolfe HJ: The control of growth of fibrous lesions of the musculo-skeletal system, the role of the c-sis gene and PDGF. The Orthopaedic Research Society, Washington, D.C., 1992.
12. Alman BA, Jiranek WA, Naber SP, Terek RM, Goldberg MJ, Wolfe HJ: Inappropriate c-sis proto-oncogene expression in fibrous dysplasia: an in situ and PCR study. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 1992.
13. Brien EW, Terek RM, Geer RJ, Caldwell C, Brennan MF, Healey JH: Soft-Tissue Sarcoma of the Hand: A Therapeutic Dilemma, Eastern Orthopaedic Association, Orlando, Florida, 1993.
14. Terek RM, Marcove RC, Meyers PA, Lane JM, Healey JH: Long-term results after resection of femoral Ewing's sarcoma. Society of Surgical Oncology, Los Angeles, California, 1993.
15. Terek RM, Brien EW, Lane JM, Marcove RC, Healey JH: Long-term results after resection of Ewing's tumor of the femur. 46th Cancer Symposium, Society of Surgical Oncology, Los Angeles, CA, 1993.
16. Terek RM, Brien EW, Lane JM, Marcove RC, Healey JH: Long-term results after resection of Ewing's tumor of the femur. Western Orthopaedic Association, Long Beach, CA, 1994
17. Terek RM, Brien EW, Lane JM, Marcove RC, Healey JH: Long-term results after resection of Ewing's tumor of the femur. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 61st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1994
18. Terek RM: Chemotherapy and multi-drug resistance gene expression in chondrosarcoma. Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, Rochester, Minnesota, 1994.
19. Brien EW, Terek RM, Lane JM, Healey JH: Reconstruction after proximal tibial resection for bone tumors. The American Orthopaedic Association 107th Annual Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho, 1994;
20. Brien EW, Terek RM, Lane JM, Healey JH: Reconstruction after proximal tibial resection for bone tumors. Western Orthopaedic Association, Long Beach, CA, 1994.
21. Brien EW, Terek RM, Healey JH, Brennan MF: Management of soft tissue sarcomas of the hand. The American Society for Surgery of the Hand 49th Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1994.
22. Brien EW, Terek RM, Healey JH, Brennan MF: Management of soft tissue sarcomas of the hand. Western Orthopaedic Association, Long Beach, CA, 1994.
23. Ladanyi M, Jhanwar S, Terek R, Cordon-Cardo C, Latres E, Healey J: Prevalence and implications of MDM2 gene amplification in human bone sarcomas. Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1994.
24. Terek RM, Schwartz GK, Healey JH, Pobre T, Marcove RC, Lane JM, Albino A: Chemotherapy and multidrug resistance gene expression in chondrosarcoma. Transactions, Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1994.
25. Terek RM, Mak S: Differential Gene Expression in Chondrosarcoma. Transactions of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1996.
26. Wyman JJ, Hornstein AM, Meitner P, Mak S, Verdier P, Block JA, Pan J, Terek RM: The multi-drug resistance gene in chondrosarcoma cell lines: Expression correlates with decreased intracellular doxorubicin levels and in vitro chemosensitivity resistance. Transactions of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1998.
27. Terek RM, Mak S, Block JA, Bliss M: Cloning of a novel chondrosarcoma associated gene. 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1998.
28. Terek RM, Mak S, Block JA, Bliss M: Cloning of a novel chondrosarcoma associated gene. Transactions of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Society of Surgical Oncology Cancer Symposium, 1998.
29. Terek RM, Mak S, Block JA, Grunstein I: Complete cloning of the IK gene and its expression in cartilage and chondrosarcoma. Transactions of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 1998.
30. McGough R, Aswad B, and Terek R: Microvascularity of cartilage tumors. Annual Meeting of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, Gainesville, Florida, 2000
31. McGough R, Aswad B, and Terek R: Microvascularity of cartilage tumors. Society of Surgical Oncology, 54th Annual Cancer Symposium, Washington, D.C., 2001
32. McGough R, Aswad B, and Terek R: Tumor angiogenesis in chondrosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, California, 2001
33. Greisberg J, Wyman J, Wolf J, Zou L, Terek R: Gadodiamide increases proteoglycan production and induces apoptosis in cultured chondrocytes. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, California, 2001
34. Terek R, Lin C, Meitner P: PTEN mutation is present in an extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, California, 2001
35. McGough R, Aswad B, and Terek R: Angiogenic cytokines in chondrosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, Baltimore, MD 2001
36. Terek R, Lin C, Block J, Meitner P: Cancer/testis antigen CSAGE is concurrently expressed with MAGE in chondrosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Dallas, Texas, 2002
37. McGough R, Lin C, Meitner T, Aswad B, Terek R: Angiogenic cytokines in cartilage tumors. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Dallas, Texas, 2002
38. Terek R, Aswad B, Lin C: HIF-1Alpha is expressed in chondrosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Dallas, Texas, 2002
39. Wolf JM, Meitner PA, Terek RM: Hydrogen peroxide as a potential local adjuvant in the treatment of chondrosarcoma: An in vitro analysis. Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 2002
40. Bluman EM, Lin C; Coulie PG, Meitner PA, Terek RM: Adoptive cellular immunotherapy against chondrosarcoma cells expressing MAGE-3 tumor associated antigen. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, 2003
41. Terek RM,Lin C, Meitner PA: Effect of human chondrosarcoma cells on endothelial cell proliferation. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, 2003
42. Wolf J, Meitner P, Terek R: Cytotoxicity of hydrogen peroxide on chondrosarcoma cell lines. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, 2003
43. Allen, S D; Lin, C; McGough, R; Block, J A; Terek, R M: HYPOXIA ENHANCES ANGIOGENIC ACTIVITY OF CHONDROSARCOMA CELLS AND CHONDROCYTES. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, California, 2004
46. Wei, Lei; Sun, Xiaojuan; Wang, Zhenk; Terek, Richard; Chen, Qian INHIBITING CHEMOKINE STROMAL CELL DERIVED FACTOR-1 INDUCED CARTILAGE DEGRADATION BY SMALL INTERFERING RNA AND BY MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY THERAPY Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, 2006
48. Arcand N, Spenciner DB, Rainbow MJ, Madon I, Machan J, Moore DC, Crisco JJ, Terek RM: Comparison of Bone Density Around In Vivo Spine Metastases and an InVitro Spine Tumor Model. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, 2007
49. Lei Wei, Xiaojuan Sun, Zhenk Wang, Xu YangRichard Terek, Kanbe K, and Qian Chen
52. Sun, X; Wei, L; Block, JA; Chen, Q; Terek RM: Hypoxia and CXCR4 increase chondrosarcoma cell invasion. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , San Francisco, CA, 2008
53. Terek RM, Tompkins M, Moore D, Crisco J: Biomechanical Analysis of Locked versus Nonlocked Plating of Large Bulk Allografts. Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons, Jackson Hole, WY, 2008
54. Terek RM, Wei L, Chen Q, Sun X: MMP-1 Expression is Regulated by CXCR4/SDF-1 in Chondrosarcoma Cells. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , Las Vegas, NV 2009
55. Valdes M,Yang W, Wei L, Terek R, 1Appleyard D, Sun C, Sun X, Ehrlich M: Dose-dependent Naloxone Exposure Stimulates Osteoblastic Differentiation in Negatively Immunodepleted Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , Las Vegas, NV 2009
56. Sun C, Wang Z, Valdes M, Wu Q, Chen D, Terek RM, Moore DC, Quesenberry P, Chen Q, Ehrlich MG, Yang W: IGF1-evoked Chondrocyte Differentiation Requires Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Shp2. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , Las Vegas, NV 2009
57. Valdes M, Yang W, Wei L, Terek RM, Sun C, Sun X, Ehrlich MG: Naloxone exposure of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells promotes their osteoblastic differentiation. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Las Vegas, NV 2009
58. Terek RM, Snyder BD, Nazarian A, Entezari V, Hipp JA, Calderon N, Damron TA, Cheng EY, Aboulafia AJ,
Anderson ME, Gebhardt MC: CT-based structural rigidity analysis alters the course of treatment in patients with skeletal metastases: A prospective diagnostic study. Clinical and Translational Research and Education: ACRT/SCTS Joint Annual Meeting, April 5-7, Washington, DC 2010.
59. Sun, X; Terek, R: CXCR4/SDF-1 Promote Angiogenesis in Chondrosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , New Orleans, LA, 2010.
60. Wei, L; Kanbe, K; Wei, X; Sun, X; Terek, R; Chen, Q: Stimulation of Chondrocyte Hypertrophy by Chemokine Stromal Cell-Derived Factor 1 in the Chondro-osseous Junction through a Positive Feedback Loop Mediated by Runx2. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , New Orleans, LA, 2010.
61. Snyder BD; Nazarian A; Entezari V; Hipp JA; Calderon N; Terek R; Cheng E; Aboulafia A; Anderson ME; Gebhardt M; Damron T: CT-BASED STRUCTURAL RIGIDITY ANALYSIS ALTERS SELECTED TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH FEMORAL METASTASES: A MULTI-INSTITUTIONAL MSTS SPONSORED PROSPECTIVE STUDY. Annual Meeting Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, Philadelphia, PA, 2010
62. Terek R; Sun, X: Mir-126 Inhibits VEGF Expression and Proliferation in Chondrosarcoma Cells. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , Long Beach, CA, 2011.
63. Tomkins M; PallerD; Moore D; CriscoJ; Terek R: Locking Buttons Optimize Fatigue Life of Locking Plates in Allograft Nonunion Model. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. , Long Beach, CA, 2011.
64. Snyder BD; Nazarian A; Entezari V; Hipp JA; Calderon N; Terek R; Cheng E; Aboulafia A; Anderson ME; Gebhardt M; Damron T: CT-BASED STRUCTURAL RIGIDITY ANALYSIS ALTERS SELECTED TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH FEMORAL METASTASES: A MULTIINSTITUTIONAL MSTS SPONSORED PROSPECTIVE STUDY. Annual Meeting American Academy of orthopaedic Surgeons, San Diego, CA, 2011
65. Terek R, Sun ,Wei L; Chen Q: CXCR4 TARGETED THERAPY FOR CHONDROSARCOMA, Combined Meeting of the Connective Tissue Oncology Society and Musculoskeletal Oncology Society, Chicago, IL, 2011
66. Terek R, Paller D, Moore D; Crisco J, Tompkins M: LOCKING BUTTONS OPTIMIZE FATIGUE LIFE OF LOCKING PLATES IN ALLOGRAFT NONUNION MODEL, Combined Meeting of the Connective Tissue Oncology Society and Musculoskeletal Oncology Society, Chicago, IL, 2011
67. Terek R, Sun X ,Wei L; Chen Q: CXCR4 TARGETED THERAPY FOR CHONDROSARCOMA, 4th Northeast IDeA Meeting, Newport, RI 2011
68. Snyder BD; Nazarian A; Entezari V; Hipp JA; Calderon N; Terek R; Cheng E; Aboulafia A; Anderson ME; Gebhardt M; Damron T: CT-based Rigidity Analysis Affects Treatment Plan for Appendicular Skeletal Metastasis, International Bone & Mineral Society's (IBMS) Cancer Induced Bone Disease, Chicago, IL 2011
69. Terek R and Sun X: Runx2 Regulates p16 Expression in Chondrosarcoma Cells, Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 2012
70. Terek R; Charbonneau C; Sun X : AMD3100 Inhibits Angiogenesis and Metastasis in Chondrosarcoma In Vivo. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 2012
71. Damron T; Brown C; Entezari V; Nazarian A; Snyder B; Hipp J; Calderon N; Terek R; Cheng E; Aboulafia A; Anderson M; Gebhardt M: CT-Based Structural Rigidity Analysis Improves Specificity Over Mirels Scoring for Fracture Prediction. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 2012
72. Wei L; Wei X; Wei Y; Wang X; Fleming B; Terek R; Chen Q: A-2-Macroglobulin Inhibits Inflammatory Cytokines and MMPs in Osteoarthritis. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 2012
73.Jayasuriya CT, Goldring MB, Terek RM, Chen Q: Regulation of Cartilage Homeostasis Genes by Matrilin-3: Dependency on Interlukin-1 Receptor Antagonist. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 2012. New Investigator Award
74. Terek R, Sun X ,Wei L; Chen Q: CXCR4 TARGETED THERAPY FOR CHONDROSARCOMA TREATMENT, Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons, Charleston, SC 2012
75. Damron TA,Brown C, Nazarian A, Entezari VCheng E, Anderson ME,Terek RM, Aboulafia A,Cheung F, Randall L, Turcotte RE, Lin PP, Gebhardt M,Snyder B: CT-BASED STRUCTURAL RIGIDITY ANALYSIS IMPROVES SPECIFICITY
76. Carlos Enrique Brown, Vahid Entezari, Ara Nazarian, Brian D. Snyder, John A. Hipp, Richard M. Terek, Albert J. Aboulafia, Megan E. Anderson, Mark C. Gebhardt, Timothy A. Damron: CT-based structural rigidity analysis yields high specificity and sensitivity for femoral fracture prediction, Journal of the American College of Surgeons - September 2012 (Vol. 215, Issue 3, Supplement, Page S62, DOI: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2012.06.173)
77. Jingming Zhou; Yuzhi Wei; Xiaochun Wei; Shaowei Wang; Ge Zhang; Qian Chen; Richard Terek; Lei Wei: Disrupting Ihh signaling pathway in vivo attenuates OA progression in Col2a1-CreERT2; Ihhfl/fl mouse induced by surgery. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX, 2013. New Investigator Award Finalist
78. Changqi Sun; Yuzhi Wei; Xiaochun Wei; Caroline Huang; Ge Zhang; Richard Terek; Lei Wei: Decrease of HDAC4 is associated with OA cartilage degeneration by up-regulating OA related genes. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX, 2013.
79. W. Yang, D. Moore, M. Dooner, Q. Chen, Q. Wu, R. Terek, B. G. Neel, P. J. Quesenberry, M. G. Ehrlich, A. Mohan: Cartilage-Specific Tumor Suppression by Ptpn11 As Revealed by Tissue Specific Shp2 deficient Mice. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX, 2013.
80. A. Nazarian, V. Entezari, J. Hipp, N. Calderon, D. Zurakowski, P. Lin, A. Aboulafia, R. Turcotte, M. Anderson, M. Gebhardt, F. Cheung, E. Cheng, R. Terek, T. Damron, B. Snyder: CT-based Structural Rigidity Analysis Accurately Predicts Fracture Risk and Influences Treatment of Patients with Skeletal Metastases: A Prospective, Multi-Center Study. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX, 2013.
81. Terek R, Sun X: MicroRNA and Chondrosarcoma Metastasis, Annual Meeting of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, San Francisco, CA, October 2013.
82. Terek R, Sun X: MicroRNA and Chondrosarcoma Metastasis, Annual Meeting of the Connective Tumor Oncology Society, NY, NY, November 2013.
83. Shaowei Wang, Pengcui Li, Xiaochun Wei, Yuzhi Wei, Jingming Zhou, Jing Zhang, Kai Li,, Qian Chen, PHD, Richard Terek, Braden C. Fleming, Mary B. Goldring, PhD, Michael G. Ehrlich, Ge Zhang, Lei Wei: Identification Of Alpha 2 Macroglobulin (a2m) As A Master Inhibitor To Attenuate Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis Cartilage Degeneration. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, 2014.
84. Raghavendra Kamalesh, Yinnan Yu, Douglas Moore, M.S., Richard Terek, M.D., Qian Wu, M.D., Di Chen, M.D., Ph.D., Peter J. Quesenberry, M.D., Michael G. Ehrlich, M.D., Wentian Yang, M.D., Ph.D.: PTPN11 Gene Is Required For Chondrogenesis and Cartilage Homeostasis. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, 2014.
85. Sun X Wei L, Charbonneau C, Chen Q, Terek R: MicroRNA-181a Regulates Chondrosarcoma Metastasis By Enhancing Chemokine Receptor Signaling. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, 2014.
86. Sun X Wei L, Charbonneau C, Terek R: MicroRNA-181a Regulates Chondrosarcoma Metastasis. Annual Meeting of the Associate of Bone and Joint Surgeons, New York, NY, 2014.
87. Terek R: IlluminOss Lightfix Trial: A Prospective, Multi-Center Study of the IlluminOss System for the Treatment of Impending and Actual Pathological Fractures in the Humerus from Metastatic Bone Disease, Annual Meeting of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, Detroit, MI 2016.
88. Chathuraka Teekshana Jayasuriya, Nicholas Lemme, Richard Terek, Qian Chen: Establishment and Characterization of Chondroprogenitor and Osteochondral-Progenitor Cell Lines from Human Adult Osteoarthritic Articular Cartilage. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Orlando, FL 2016
89. Chathuraka T. Jayasuriya, Adam Rokicki, Jing Li, Richard M. Terek, Michael G. Ehrlich, Qian Chen: Osteoarthritis Stem Cells From Human Cartilage Exhibit High Hypertrophic Differentiation Capacity, Which Can Be Attenuated By Simultaneous Knockdown Of Runx2 And Notch1. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, CA 2017
90. Terek, R: Nanopiece Delivery Of Nucleotide Therapeutics Inhibits Chondrosarcoma Progression, Annual Meeting of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, NY, NY 2018
91. Terek, R: One Year Results of The Illuminoss Lightfix Trial Indicate Durable Improvements In Pain and Function After Treatment Of Humeral Metastatic Disease, Annual Meeting of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, NY, NY 2018
92. Chathuraka T. Jayasuriya; Brett Owens; Peter Feltman; Jonathan Franco; John Twomey-Kozak; Jake Newberry; Heather Hansen; Neill Li; Richard Terek; Qian Chen; Michael Ehrlich: Cartilage Progenitor Cells Successfully Bridge Meniscal Tear and Resist Cellular Hypertrophy. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA 2018
93. Jiahui Huang; Lijun Wang; Douglas Moore; Huiliang Yang; Jiayu Wei; Mark Dooner; Richard Terek; Wentian Yang
CTSK+ Groove of Ranvier Stem Cells Populate the Periosteum, Articular Cartilage and Growth Plate Under Control of the Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase SHP2. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Austin, TX 2019
94. Richard M. Terek; Xiaojuan Sun; Yupeng Chen; Hongchuan Yu; Jason Machan; Jesse Hart; Qian Chen: Janus Base Derived Nanopieces for Delivery of Anti-miRNA Oligonucleotides in Chondrosarcoma. Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Austin, TX 2019
1. Grunstein I, Mak S, Terek R: Cloning and expression of IK-related gene in cartilage and chondrosarcoma cell lines. Biomedical Research Day Poster Session, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, April, 1997.
2. Terek RM, Mak S, Block JA, Bliss M: Cloning of a novel chondrosarcoma associated gene. Lifespan 6th Annual Research Celebration, 1998.
3. Wyman JJ, Hornstein AM, Meitner P, Mak S, Verdier P, Block JA, Pan J, Terek RM: The multi-drug resistance gene in chondrosarcoma cell lines: Expression correlates with decreased intracellular doxorubicin levels and in vitro chemosensitivity resistance. Lifespan 6th Annual Research Celebration, 1998.
4. Greisberg J, Wyman J, Wolf J, Zou L, Terek R: Gadodiamide increases proteoglycan production and induces apoptosis in cultured chondrocytes. 9th Annual Research Celebration, Lifespan, Providence, RI 2001
5. Terek R, Lin C, Meitner P: PTEN mutation is present in an extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma. 9th Annual Research Celebration, Lifespan, Providence, RI 2001
6. McGough R, Aswad B, Terek, R: Pathologic Neovascularization in cartilage tumors. 9th Annual Research Celebration, Lifespan, Providence, RI 2001
7. Terek R: RIH COBRE for Skeletal health and Repair, “Anti-Angiogenesis Strategies for Chondrosarcoma”, Second Annual RI Research Alliance, Providence, RI, Oct 2, 2009.
8. Terek R: Treatment of Metastatic Disease of the Humerus, Annual Meeting of the New England Orthopaedic Society, Chatam, MA, 2018.
Richard M. Terek, M.D., a specialist in adult reconstructive surgery and musculoskeletal oncology, is an attending orthopedic surgeon at the Miriam and Rhode Island Hospitals.
Dr. Terek performs hip and knee replacements for patients with arthritis at the Total Joint Center at The Miriam Hospital.
Dr. Terek is also an expert in the treatment of patients with osteogenic sarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma, metastatic cancer (cancers such as breast, prostate or lung which have spread to the bones), and benign bone and soft tissue tumors. These tumors occur in both children and adults. Treatment usually includes removing the tumor and limb or pelvis reconstruction is performed with combinations of artificial joints and bone grafts. Experts in pediatric, adult, and radiation oncology work with Dr. Terek at Rhode Island Hospital and Hasbro Children’s Hospital as part of a multidisciplinary team to cure patients.
Dr. Terek is actively involved with teaching medical students at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and is Director of the Orthopaedic Oncology Laboratory.
The Hospital for Special Surgery
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Loyola University Medical Center, Orthopaedic Surgery
Pritzker School of Medicine, The University of Chicago
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B.S., Biomedical Engineering